Wednesday 30 January 2013

My fashion callling...

Got a lovely email from my tutor today in response to a mid point review i had this morning. We did the reviews in groups of threes and my current project is based around lingerie, we only got about 10 minutes each though. At first she sounded unsure of my work when i was showing it to her then she looked at my designs drawn up on illustrator and said they were actually very strong. Anyway, she sent me an email this evening that basically said she was happy to see that i had finally found something i was really interested in and linked me to some places i could apply for internships and that if i wanted i could carry lingerie design on into my third year. I live for positive feedback like that and she’s right, this is something i really want to do! I've been doubting my choices a lot recently, especially whether i'm happy where i am and doing my course. I think this was the push i needed.

On top of that we signed the contract for our new flat today! We move in 1st July, i’m so excited!

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